Owning and managing rental property is a big investment that can bring in great returns. To get the most out of your investment and keep your tenants happy, there are some important things you should do every year.

However, many landlords forget about these tasks, either because they don't know about them, they're not paying attention, or they think they're not that important. Keep reading this article to learn more!

Essential Annual Tasks for Landlords

Here are the crucial things that you should be doing every year as a landlord:

Conducting Regular Property Inspections

Regular property inspections are really important, but a lot of landlords don't do them regularly or skip them altogether. Annual inspections help you see how things are wearing out, find things that need fixing, and make sure everything is up to safety standards.

Doing this regularly can save you from having to do expensive repairs later on, and it shows your tenants that you care about keeping their home in good shape.

How to Implement:

  • Schedule inspections well in advance and at a convenient time for your tenants.
  • Use a checklist to ensure consistency and thoroughness.
  • Address identified issues promptly to avoid escalation.

Performing Preventative Maintenance

someone fixing the wood on the floor

Preventative maintenance is key to keeping your property valuable and making sure your tenants are safe and comfy. Doing things like cleaning gutters, servicing HVAC systems, and checking for leaks can stop big problems before they start. Some landlords only fix things when they break, which can end up costing more and making tenants unhappy.

How to Implement:

  • Develop a maintenance schedule for each property.
  • Hire reputable contractors for regular servicing of major systems.
  • Encourage tenants to report minor issues before they become major problems.

Reassessing Your Insurance Coverage

Insurance needs can change over time, and what was enough coverage a few years ago might not be enough today. Things like market values, local rules, and the condition of your property can all affect how much insurance you need. But a lot of landlords forget to check their coverage regularly, which could mean they're not fully covered.

How to Implement:

  • Have an annual review with your insurance agent to discuss any changes in your property or portfolio.
  • Consider additional coverage for natural disasters, liability increases, or changes in property use.
  • Shop around to ensure you're getting the best coverage at a competitive rate.

Updating Safety and Security Measures

someone mopping the floor

Tenant safety should always come first, but many landlords forget about it. This means making sure smoke detectors work, updating security systems, and having good lighting. Ignoring these things can cause legal problems and put your tenants in danger.

How to Implement:

  • Conduct a safety audit of your properties, identifying potential risks and vulnerabilities.
  • Invest in modern security features like better locks, security cameras, and motion-sensor lights.
  • Regularly test smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and fire extinguishers.

Building and Maintaining Tenant Relationships

Having a good landlord-tenant relationship is really important. It can mean they stay longer, you have fewer empty apartments, and everyone has a better time renting. But some landlords just see it as a business deal and miss chances to make friends with their tenants.

How to Implement:

  • Establish clear, open lines of communication.
  • Be responsive to tenant concerns and requests.
  • Organize annual gatherings or send holiday greetings to foster a sense of community.

Staying Up-to-Date with Local Laws and Regulations

Rental laws and regulations can change, and not knowing about them won't protect you legally. Landlords should keep up with local housing laws, rent control rules, and tenant rights to follow the rules and avoid big fines.

How to Implement:

  • Subscribe to local real estate and landlord associations.
  • Attend seminars and workshops focused on property management and landlord responsibilities.
  • Consult with legal professionals to understand how changes in law affect your properties.

Educating Yourself on Market Trends

Knowing about the rental market is really important. It helps you set the right rent, figure out when to make improvements, and decide if it's a good time to buy or sell. But a lot of landlords don't look into market trends, which means they might not get the most out of their investments.

a hand handing a document to another hand

How to Implement:

  • Use online resources and market analysis tools to stay informed about local rental rates and property values.
  • Network with other real estate professionals to exchange insights and experiences.
  • Consider hiring a property manager or consultant for in-depth market analysis and strategy development.

Renewing Rental License

In many places, landlords need a rental license to make sure their properties are safe and meet the rules for health and zoning. But sometimes, especially for landlords with lots of properties or new to renting, renewing the license can be forgotten. This can lead to big fines, legal problems, and even having to kick out tenants.

How to Implement:

  • Mark your calendar with the renewal dates for each property's license and set reminders well in advance.
  • Stay informed about any changes to licensing requirements by regularly checking the local government’s housing department website or contacting them directly.
  • Prepare and organize all necessary documents ahead of time to ensure a smooth renewal process, including property inspections and any required repairs or upgrades.


Being a successful landlord involves much more than just collecting rent checks. It requires a proactive, informed approach to property management, a commitment to tenant safety and satisfaction, and a willingness to adapt to changing laws and market conditions.

By incorporating these annual tasks into your management routine, you can protect your investment and improve your profitability. Work with a professional property manager to make this process smoother. Call Brentwood Square Management Services, Inc. and we’ll be happy to assist you.